My Garage Ceiling Extension


Click HERE for the painted and finished result.



This was what we started with.



Just so you get an idea of the size really, from the right of the door to the back of the building is a seperate workshop.


Panel removed

This is what we were faced with upon removing a ceiling board.


Some rafters removed

A bit of trepidation, but all was good.


Cross beam

Cross beam fitted at the door end holding ridge in place, feeling a bit easier now.


Bracing going in

Cross bracing starting to happen, basically higher rafters.


Panels going on

Time to start hiding things with exterior ply. Looking better now.


Lights working

Ceiling boards trimmed and lights in and working. Also the ramp making a guest appearance...


Crap Fit

There was no way that this was going to fit over all that plumbing. Mods needed.


Covered Pipes

A bit of fettling, some cutting and all looks good to go.


Consumer Unit

I had no idea that all this lot was needed, though there are a lot of sockets now, including two 16 amp.


Merc on ramp

There's a surprisingly large amount of space, and it still has a few inches to go before it hits.


Jeep on ramp

Certainly not as much room, but a lot more than expected and I can get access to most things.


Click HERE for the painted and finished result.